A portrait of an exhaustive and interruptive journey of a group in journey through England's Grays Chalk Quarries, of what used to be once a tropical sea. The narrative is designed by the land itself: an out of time archive of pre- or Post- traumatic events; collective displacement and disasters. Absence holds a tangible tension of impending tragedies that are Mostly sensed rather then seen. It explores migration as a psychological form and as a state of being.

absence was part of ‘VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images’, 5th edition / Florence, November 15 - 20, 2016


The project is realized by Lo Schermo dell’arte Film Festival in collaboration with Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and FST-Mediateca Regionale Toscana, is supported by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy, Institut Français Florence, Deutsches Institut Florenz, Seven Gravity Collection and Cecchi.

absence was part of Escape Room, Group exhibition in Gutman Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel,

Curators: Dalia Levin, Miri Ben Moshe Venezia

Nahum Gutman Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel, May–September 2017

Text by Dr. Dorit Kedar

Man’s fertility or its loss.
Phallus, will, ability – all these are the symbolic armament of the man as fertile and fertilizer, as a warrior and a guardian.
A thousand years of supplication to:
Hermes, the Gods’ messenger,
Horus, the Egyptian God of the living and the dead,
Shiva, the Hindu God – annihilator and rejuvenator,
Native American Corn God,
Celtic god and many other divinities symbolizing the alpha male.
Woman’s fertility or its loss.
The woman as:
The Great Mother,
Earth bearing children in pain.
A mega seducer.
The aim of the conquerors and the one conquered.
The sanctity of a Mother.
The seductiveness of a harlot.
Similar and differing.Thoughts about the principal of possession, indicating if an individual is an outsider or an insider within a social context. Awareness may change its characteristics accordingly.Benevolent and malevolent forces, not necessarily counteracting, intermingled to form a dynamic jumble.
The great eye of God, as an eminent seer and protector avoiding all injuries and harm.
But the satanic eye, the eye of the hungry ghost, compulsive sexual drives, obstinate to hunt, trap, enslave and annihilate the tormented soul.Therefore, fortified temples are founded; their thresholds guarded by monstrous masks to appease benevolent spirits which might change their demeanor and with no early warning become fatal assailants.Death.
What exists will disappear.
What existed will not be.
Awareness wanders, secure or insecure, towards its certain elimination, lamenting its death.Thoughts about a limited discernment.
Observing beyond a bright night to perceive a wild fervent star among trillions of similar systems.
Observing into the unreachable profound intestines of Earth.Integrated sounds are put into practice by musical instrumentation, emphasize the principal of time and process within space.

Translators: Dorit Kedar, Tzach Ben Josef